My 50th Birthday List of 50 Favorites

Half a century has finally hit me, or rather, all the Swiss Rolls I’ve been eating during the Covid quaratine have hit my waistline.

Either way, I’m 50 years old today, people!

By the grace of God (and with a lot of help from other people) I’ve made it this far.

I thought I would take a little time to compile a list of some of my favorites and see where the list went. In no particular order, here are 50 of my favorites:

1. God

2. My incredible, handsome, patient (may I go so far as to say long-suffering), husband Brett


3. my kids (even though they can drive me crazy . . .  like REALLY crazy)

4. My parents

5. my siblings and my other brother, Andrew

6. Brett’s family

7. My neighborhood family, who are an amazing group of people who care about individuals, families, community and help and serve each other regularly. When I grow up, I hope to be like them.

8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (I have hope and my life is continually blessed with an eternal perspective because of my membership in this church.)

9. Superman


10. Wonder Woman

11. Ukraine – the country, the memories, the food, friends, missionary companions and more

12. McDonald’s french fries (I missed you dearly during 1991-92 while I was in the Ukraine, but I’ve more than made up for that lost time.)

13. Borscht

14. lemon meringue pie (especially my mom’s)

15. lemon flavored . . . anything

16. Timbits

17. Poutine (fries with gravy and cheese curds)


18. Milky Way (I’m on a food kick here . . . I must be hungry or something)

19. Diet Coke (and my new Diet Coke t-shirt - thanks Mindy)

20. Swiss Rolls (thanks for getting me through some of the really hard days)

21. Acts of kindness - I love reading about them, seeing them, and am grateful to be surrounded by amazing people doing acts of kindness every day.

22. My canon camera

23. writing conferences like LTUE, Quills, Local Authors and You

24. FanX SLCC

Robin Glassey and Karl Urban with Big Book at FanX SLCC.jpeg


 25. Doctor Who - the old and the new

26. Pride and Prejudice the book

27. Pride and Prejudice the movie (for helping me fall asleep so many times at Lake Powell)


28. Playing Settlers of Catan with my family

29. Playing Fluxx with my family

30. the color pink

 31. the color black

 32. writing, writing, writing

33. Researching for a writing project

34. Reading a new book or creating a new book

35. The League of Utah Writers

36. Utah Foster Care Foundation - for teaching me about complex trauma and how to help my children more

37. Obert Skye - Leven Thumps series or Witherwood series


38. Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time Series

39. Kettle brand salt and vinegar chips

40. Thor Ragnarok (for making me laugh again and again and again)

41. Lake Powell sunsets

42. Book reviews! I love hearing from readers what they thought of my stories.

43. Watching AFV with my family.

44. Sher Shares - my sister’s posts on Facebook, sharing advice/hacks on a variety of topics.

45. Biofreeze - what would my back and neck do without you (my apologies to Brett for the powerful minty smell).

46. Café Rio shredded chicken salad (still hungry, I guess)

47. My massage therapist (thanks to her skills, I’ve taken myself off the wait-list for a total body replacement) 

48. Psalms and Proverbs

49. The Azetha Series - for helping to heal my broken heart

 50. Getting emails from my amazing readers. You’re awesome!