Time to Clone Myself?

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The LTUE—Life the Universe and Everything Conference is right around the corner . . . next week from Feb. 15-17th at the Provo Marriot Hotel. At a cost of only $55.00 for three days with an average of 9 to 10 classes running every hour, it’s times like these I just want to clone myself.

But then I remember how cloning in the movies always ends and I’m afraid my clone would turn evil, go to the conference in my place, and then take over the world. So, I’ll just have to make some difficult choices and prioritize which classes to take.

Here are some classes I’m leaning toward:

The Ethics of Time Travel

Podcasting: How Not to Screw it Up

Biology and Physiology of Mythical Creatures

Poetry in SF/F

How to Make a Real Living as Writer: Five Strategies to Make $200 an Hour

And, of course, there’s Valhalla, A Nordic Rock Opera on Friday night that can’t be missed.

There’s also the mass author book signing on Friday night. Last year I was able to get L.E. Modesitt Jr. to sign my Big Book. 

LE Modesitt Jr with Robin Glassey and Big Book.jpg

I know I’m even more excited for next week because my computer bag is already out and partially packed. I’ve visited the site several times, trying to decide on the interactive schedule what classes I’ll take. And I even eyed my lunch-sized cooler in the garage today, considering whether to take it down and put it on the kitchen counter.

I decided it was a little too soon.

Hurry up, LTUE!

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Robin Glassey

is a writer of clean YA fantasy who loves Star Trek, Doctor Who, and french fries.